Collection of Thin Sections of Soils of Prof. Kubiëna


This work is aimed to highlight and publish the “Collection of Thin Sections of Soils” obtained by Prof. Walter Kubiëna during his several stays, between 1943 and 1970, in the former Institute of Pedology and Plant Biology (Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal), today Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, Madrid).

Watercolors Collection of Soil Profiles of Prof. Kubiëna


This presentation contains photographs of some of the original watercolors, as well as the full collection of their smaller reproductions published in the book of Prof. Kubiena, “The Soils of Europe”, for many years considered a seminal work for the study and teaching of Soil Science.

Collection of Thin Sections of Soils of Dr Josefina Benayas


This work is aimed to highlight and publish the “Collection of Thin Sections of Soils” obtained by Dr Josefina Benayas Casares, a Research Scientist at the former Institute of Pedology and Plant Biology (Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal), of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, Madrid).

Comision Europea
Comunidad de Madrid
Fondo Social Europeo
Comision Europea
Comunidad de Madrid
Fondo Social Europeo