Senior Year + Business


Senior Year + Business  is an educational program directed at 4th-year students by the Community of Madrid.

This is an extra-curricular activity whose object is to bring students closer to the working world through educational training sessions in businesses and research centres. With these practical experiences, it is hoped that participants will be better prepared to make decisions affecting their academic and professional futures, motivating them and giving them necessary skills.

Science Week


Science Week is the most important scientific outreach activity in most of Spain’s autonomous regions. The Institute for Agricultural Sciences opens its doors during two weeks so that citizens become aware of the latest scientific advances and the principle lines of research developed by ICA researchers. Site visits, conferences and workshops are held.

Workplace Training


The aim of the training program is to provide practice hours (around 400 hours at the ICA) to students in both advanced and intermediate level classes. The ICA will receive advanced students from Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Health and the Quality Control and Analysis Laboratory. They will also receive intermediate level students from the laboratory class. The students will come from different high schools from the Communities of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha.


Science City


The Institute for Agricultural Sciences (ICA) will participate in the  Science City project with a workshop called “Sustainable Agriculture in the Class Room”. The aim of this workshop is that schools develop some experiments around their vegetable garden. Researchers from ICA will give technical support to the participants through the Science City blog where they will show their results, photos, doubts and problems that happen during the development of the workshop.

Comision Europea
Comunidad de Madrid
Fondo Social Europeo
Comision Europea
Comunidad de Madrid
Fondo Social Europeo